The Meth Project is a large-scale prevention program aimed at reducing Meth use through public service messaging, public policy, and community outreach. They have created outstanding PSA videos that focus on the real dangers and horror of Meth use.

The ‘Faces of Meth’ project began when a deputy in the Corrections Division Classification Unit of the Multnomah County Orgeon Sheriff’s Office put together mug shots of persons booked into the Multnomah County Detention Center. These pictures have been used all over, including on our website, to help educate people on how quickly Meth can destroy and change a person.

FRONTLINE’s documentary, The Meth Epidemic, is available on this PBS website. The documentary investigates the meth rampage in America: the appalling impact on individuals, families and communities, and the difficulty of controlling an essential ingredient in meth-ephedrine and pseudoephedrine sold legally in over-the-counter cold remedies.

David Parnell spent twenty-three years abusing drugs, seven years of which he was addicted to methamphetamine. He is now a public speaker, author, consultant, and advocate for drug endangered children.

KCI’s Anti-Meth Site is packed with information about Methamphetamine. It also offers a Meth Abuse message board where people can ask questions and offer advice, and an Abuse Recovery chat room for users and families who have been affected or abused by meth.

The San Juan Rotary Club began their ‘Don’t Meth With Us’ program in 2006. San Juan county went from having 39 juveniles arrested for using Meth in 2006 to having no juveniles picked up or arrested for Meth use in 2010. Their website includes success stories, audio testimonials, videos and presentations.

The Just Think Twice website was created by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to provide accurate information about drugs as a resource for teens in hopes that it will encourage them to make healthy decisions. This section of the Just Think Twice website deals specifically with Methamphetamine.